Sunday, April 29, 2012

Writing... It's what I do.

So, my life is being divided between the usuals (Asher, Jeremiah, cleaning... World domination) and Skyrim. Yes, I've fallen into that trap. No one is immune. Shut up. But lately, when I'm not doing all those thing, I've been really into my writing. See, I have this book that I have been working on for the past... ummmm... 3 years, or so, and sometimes I just explode into all these really good ideas and then spend every second of my free time writing. This past week I've managed to go from 4,983 words to a whopping 18,378 words! I know that for some of you illustrious authors, this isn't much, but with all I have to do in my crazy life (that Wood Elf isn't going to level up herself!) that's a huge accomplishment for me.

It's always been a life long dream of mine to become an author. I wrote some of the cheesiest, most poorly written (much like this blog) stories back when I was a young teenager, but after I hit 16, I knew for a fact that this is what I really wanted to be. I overdosed on English and creative writing, and I really think that (and the fact that I'd read 500 page books in less than a week) has really made me into a pretty imaginative character. 

One thing that I'm torn about is actually finding someone to read my writing for me. I mean, this blog is one thing. I never really write about things that might be embarrassing to me (now, anyway), but when you spend years pouring your heart and soul into something, it's scary to have someone else pick up and evaluate your work. . .

Anyway, calling all editors who will at least be civil when they tell me they hate my work. Heh. Heh.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Evening Thoughts...

Sometimes. . . Life isn't fair.

Stupid Doughnut-Eating Cops and Stupid Moms.

Yesterday was the worst day I've had in a long time. . . For some stupid reasons, but one big reason. Here, let me just tell you about it. . .

I got up around 6:30, which is close to when I usually get up and did some laundry. Jeremiah and Brad were working on the roof, and they wanted me to go get them coffee and doughnuts, which I was more than happy to do because I'm amazing. Heh. So, I got myself all prettied up (because I never go out anymore!) and went looking for this doughnut place I'd seen a few times. There were cops EVERYWHERE!! So, I had to go the speed limit the whole time and when I finally got to the doughnut shop, they'd closed down! What the crap?! Apparently, they saw all the cops driving around and got the heck out of Dodge. . . Doughnut lovin' folks that they are. . .

I changed directions (still going the speed limit), and headed to Coffee and Playhouse instead. Jere and I know the people who run the place, so they usually will make us our drinks all special, because they're just THAT cool. When I got there, they were out of doughnuts as well, and Cindi was behind the counter. Now Cindi. . . Bless her heart. . . Cannot make drinks like Ronnie (the owner) and she couldn't make me a flavored iced tea, so I ended up not getting anything, because everything else was too freaking fattening, and I'm trying to be the opposite of that.



Anyway! About 40 minutes later, I was changing Asher on his changing pad that I'd place on the bed, and his diaper was horrible. I had to run into the kitchen to get a plastic bag to throw it in after I'd put a new one on him. . . And not 5 seconds after leaving him in there. . . I heard the thump and the scream. . .

He'd fallen. . . Face first. . . Off my bed.

I rushed in there and scooped him off the floor as quickly as possible. My heart was beating so hard, I thought it was literally going to explode, and my poor baby was screaming bloody murder. I laid him on the bed and checked every inch of him for bumps and bruises and anything else that might indicate where he was hurt, but I couldn't find anything. Then I noticed that even though he was screaming his head off, he was barely opening his mouth. I panicked and ran outside to get Jere.

I thought for sure he'd broken his jaw or something. I started shaking and crying and blabbing about how stupid I was and it was all my fault. I could have died. Thankfully, Jeremiah is much more level headed than I am when it comes to our son, and after a few minutes, he found that Ash had a little tiny cut on the inside of his lip. That was all that happened to him from the fall.

I couldn't be more thankful that my little boy is alright, but honestly, I still cannot believe how stupid I was. Jere and Brad both tried to make me feel better; telling me that every baby gets dropped at least once and that they've dropped kids before and let them fall, and they're fine. . . But still. . . This is my baby and it honestly was my fault that I let him fall. If I would have taken 2 seconds and pushed his changing pad to the middle of the bed, none of that would have happened. We had to feed the poor thing from a dropper last night, because his sad little lip hurt to much to take a bottle. It broke my heart.

Today, he's much better though. He slept good last night and he was all smiley and sweet when I got him out of his crib this morning. I still feel completely retarded and like a horrible mother for letting that happen to him, but I guess that's a lesson learned. I need to get use to the fact that he can roll over now. That would probably make things a lot easier on the both of us.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rasia's My Gypsy Name

So, I awake with insomnia again, watching LA Ink. . . Because I'm a loser. Haha! And it's times like these that my mind runs rampant when I should be sleeping. I've been thinking about things I want to do in the future. Thinking about moving back to Tennessee. Nashville! I'm honestly so stoked, I can't believe it. Not going to lie, I'm going to miss this house. Jeremiah and I put a lot of our own personalities in it and worked really hard to make it ours, so I think I'm going to probably shed a tear or two when we leave. I've always been a bit of a gypsy at heart though, so I'm ready for a new house and a new city and a new adventure.

I feel a little bit bad that I didn't really take advantage of trying to get to know Decatur a little bit better while I was down here. I mean, it's not like Decatur is the most amazing town ever, but, surprisingly, it does have quite a bit to offer. Huntsville is pretty cool too. I mean, we found a German coffee shop the other day. Ugh! After a year living here, I'm just discovering the amazing aspects, and now we're leaving! Oh well. I'm totally going to Google EVERYTHING to do in Nashville and Franklin and I'm going to do as much as I can. I want to know my new town. It helps that Jere and I lived in Columbia for 8 months. I sort of got to know that general area a little bit.

I'm so looking forward to uprooting and planting my family in another town. I really love moving. . . Not the whole packing thing. It sucks, especially since I always end up doing it alone, which is super tough. . . But Jeremiah and I both have wanderlust in our blood and have talked about all the places we want to move over the course of our lives. . . I would totally name all the places, but then whoever reads this would be like, "Bwahaha! Never gonna happen!" So, we'll just see what happens in the future!

I totally could move somewhere different every year or two. If it wasn't for Asher being so little, I think Jeremiah and I would be total gypsies and live in his car. Hopefully, he's got the nomad in his blood too, and  will be totally up for us sticking him in a backpack and trekking across Europe with him in a few years.

OK, I'm being boring. . . I don't know why I'm even posting this. >_<