Thursday, April 5, 2012

Stupid Doughnut-Eating Cops and Stupid Moms.

Yesterday was the worst day I've had in a long time. . . For some stupid reasons, but one big reason. Here, let me just tell you about it. . .

I got up around 6:30, which is close to when I usually get up and did some laundry. Jeremiah and Brad were working on the roof, and they wanted me to go get them coffee and doughnuts, which I was more than happy to do because I'm amazing. Heh. So, I got myself all prettied up (because I never go out anymore!) and went looking for this doughnut place I'd seen a few times. There were cops EVERYWHERE!! So, I had to go the speed limit the whole time and when I finally got to the doughnut shop, they'd closed down! What the crap?! Apparently, they saw all the cops driving around and got the heck out of Dodge. . . Doughnut lovin' folks that they are. . .

I changed directions (still going the speed limit), and headed to Coffee and Playhouse instead. Jere and I know the people who run the place, so they usually will make us our drinks all special, because they're just THAT cool. When I got there, they were out of doughnuts as well, and Cindi was behind the counter. Now Cindi. . . Bless her heart. . . Cannot make drinks like Ronnie (the owner) and she couldn't make me a flavored iced tea, so I ended up not getting anything, because everything else was too freaking fattening, and I'm trying to be the opposite of that.



Anyway! About 40 minutes later, I was changing Asher on his changing pad that I'd place on the bed, and his diaper was horrible. I had to run into the kitchen to get a plastic bag to throw it in after I'd put a new one on him. . . And not 5 seconds after leaving him in there. . . I heard the thump and the scream. . .

He'd fallen. . . Face first. . . Off my bed.

I rushed in there and scooped him off the floor as quickly as possible. My heart was beating so hard, I thought it was literally going to explode, and my poor baby was screaming bloody murder. I laid him on the bed and checked every inch of him for bumps and bruises and anything else that might indicate where he was hurt, but I couldn't find anything. Then I noticed that even though he was screaming his head off, he was barely opening his mouth. I panicked and ran outside to get Jere.

I thought for sure he'd broken his jaw or something. I started shaking and crying and blabbing about how stupid I was and it was all my fault. I could have died. Thankfully, Jeremiah is much more level headed than I am when it comes to our son, and after a few minutes, he found that Ash had a little tiny cut on the inside of his lip. That was all that happened to him from the fall.

I couldn't be more thankful that my little boy is alright, but honestly, I still cannot believe how stupid I was. Jere and Brad both tried to make me feel better; telling me that every baby gets dropped at least once and that they've dropped kids before and let them fall, and they're fine. . . But still. . . This is my baby and it honestly was my fault that I let him fall. If I would have taken 2 seconds and pushed his changing pad to the middle of the bed, none of that would have happened. We had to feed the poor thing from a dropper last night, because his sad little lip hurt to much to take a bottle. It broke my heart.

Today, he's much better though. He slept good last night and he was all smiley and sweet when I got him out of his crib this morning. I still feel completely retarded and like a horrible mother for letting that happen to him, but I guess that's a lesson learned. I need to get use to the fact that he can roll over now. That would probably make things a lot easier on the both of us.

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